Former Head of the Information and International Affairs Department of the BEA, the French Safety Investigation Authority, for twelve years.
Expert for EUROMED Project I (Euro-Mediterranean Partnership) aiming to improve aviation safety in Middle-East and North African States.
Task Force Member in a group instituted by ICAO to update ICAO Circular 285 “Guidance on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families”. Liaison person with observer States such as Japan, Singapore, Korea, India, China and Russia.
Team Leader in Beijing of the EUCCAP, a four-year EU-China project aiming to improve civil aviation in China. As an expert, he also worked with the Algerian authorities to set up an independent investigation body.
He organizes workshops and seminars in various countries relating to safety investigations conducted after air accidents.
He is a guest instructor at the Singapore Aviation Academy, the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China (CAMIC) and the Administrative Institution Civil Aviation College of Japan.